Modern-day petrol stations have become a one-stop shop where customers visit their business for far more than petrol alone. With customers filling up their cars, grabbing a quick coffee, sorting some last-minute groceries or using the local ATM for urgent cash, there can be so much activity occurring simultaneously, often with minimal staff onsite for supervision in the various areas.
Sec Tech Group provides security cameras for petrol stations that use CCTV high-resolution IP Cameras to be your eyes in all corners of your business, from petrol pumps, shop areas, carwash and driveways. The footage is collected and contains a wealth of helpful information when solving a crime or keeping up to date with issues requiring attention or adjustment within your premises.
These cameras, supported by visual monitors that can be strategically placed behind the counter or in the back staff area, allow you to view the areas of the petrol station even when you need to be out of sight for a moment.